
Cindy Lockhart

Cindy has been drawn to birth since childhood; one of her earliest memories is of crawling into a culvert to help a laboring dachshund. It’s hard to say how much the dog appreciated the help but the experience started Cindy on the road to birth work. She voluntarily spent many nights labor sitting horses and cattle and couldn’t help but question some of the interventions she frequently saw in ranch life; why did some cows need to have their calves “pulled” while others came trotting out of the woods, calf in tow, having “needed” no human help at all?

These questions grew in significance with the birth of her first child in 1990; a rapid and joyful delivery of a posterior (sunny-side up) baby, born en caul (in the bag of waters). A magical experience that quickly became dramatic when local restrictions limited her midwife’s ability to manage a hemorrhage- a situation that resulted in an ambulance ride and abusive and hostile interaction with hospital staff. The OB involved likely thought he was making a point in favor of hospital delivery for all women but Cindy walked away from the experience strongly believing in personal choice, the importance of well trained and properly equipped midwives, and the paramount importance of access to compassionate and understanding medical care when needed.

Five weeks later she attended her first midwifery training; and though 5 more children, homeschooling and home keeping, multiple moves, and several life upheavals have caused some changes of course, the road always leads back to birth. She started her first apprenticeship in 1991 in Austin Texas and worked with over a dozen midwives in the area, gaining a broad perspective on individualized care.

Interruptions in midwifery were filled with countless years of education in nutrition, early childhood development, physical and occupational therapy, and even a massage license. But no matter what she was trying to do, the calling to support birth in all forms kept knocking. After a particularly long break (2001-2008) a stranger called, stating “Someone told me you could help my goat give birth.” Without hesitation Cindy went. That is a longer story but the short version is, the need for compassionate and adaptable care exceeds limits; everyone deserves it.

Cindy has served many hundreds of families as they grew their families. She feels strongly about the principle of a midwife for every woman and the importance of education and has helped to train over a dozen students, many of whom have become practicing midwives. She continues to work toward a supportive birth community where transfers to a hospital (when needed) are met with compassion and respect.

Cindy is very honored to be a part of the Brookhaven Midwifery & Natural Birth team.

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